List of Figures

Figure 1. Juvenile population and arrest rates

Figure 2. Juvenile arrest offenses in 1992

Figure 3. Risk factors for health and behavior problems

Figure 4. The balanced and restorative justice model

Figure 5. Violent crime arrest rates in 1983 and 1992

Figure 6. Delinquency dispositions in 1992

Figure 7. Juvenile arrest rates for specific violent crimes

Figure 8. State transfer provisions

Figure 9. Juvenile gun homicides

Figure 10. State juvenile handgun prohibitions

Figure 11. Violent crime occurrence times

Figure 12. Public health model for prevention

Figure 13. Influence of parents and peers on delinquency

Figure 14. Social development strategy

Figure 15. Violent crime victimization rates

Figure 16. Types of child maltreatment

Figure 17. Alleged child maltreatment reports

Figure 18. Child abuse and neglect pyramid

Figure 19. Juvenile victims of violent crime

Figure 20. Influence of neglect and abuse on violent acts

Figure 21. Influences on strong youth and strong communities

Contents | Foreword | Acknowledgments | Introduction | Summary
Figures | Objectives | Conclusion | Appendixes