January | February 2019

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Matt M. Dummermuth, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs, addressed National Mentoring Summit attendees on January 31, 2019.     

On January 30–February 1, 2019, youth mentoring professionals, researchers, philanthropic investors, and government and civic leaders gathered for the ninth annual National Mentoring Summit. Hosted by MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership and supported by OJJDP, the summit featured more than 80 workshops that showcased exemplary program models, collaborations, research, and innovations that have positive implications for strengthening the mentoring field. Before the summit, OJJDP offered an orientation session for its new mentoring grantees.

Learn more about the summit, the new grantee orientation session, and OJJDP’s longstanding commitment to mentoring our nation’s youth.

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OJJDP envisions a nation where our children are free from crime and violence. If they come into contact with the justice system, the contact should be both just and beneficial to them.
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Did you know?

Juvenile arrest rates for violent crimes, such as robbery and aggravated assault, have declined in the past 5 years, according to the National Report Series bulletin Juvenile Arrests, 2016. Conversely, juvenile arrest rates for murder have increased since 2012. Property crimes have declined in recent years, and by 2016 the juvenile arrest rates for larceny-theft, burglary, and arson were at their lowest levels since at least 1980. Following 6 years of decline, the juvenile arrest rate for drug law violations in 2016 was at its lowest level since the early 1990s.