Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement: 1997-2021

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Offense Profile of Committed Youth by Sex and Race/Ethnicity for United States, 2021

Sex Race/Ethnicity
Most serious offense Total Male Female White Black Hispanic American
Asian More than
one race
Total 13,229 11,392 1,837 4,887 4,916 2,668 262 148 348
Delinquency 12,722 11,066 1,656 4,600 4,779 2,616 250 143 334
Person 6,026 5,281 745 2,082 2,245 1,340 127 63 169
    Violent Crime Index* 4,380 4,074 306 1,352 1,743 1,042 86 58 99
    Other Person 1,646 1,207 439 730 502 298 41 5 70
Property 2,803 2,438 365 1,031 1,200 390 61 44 77
    Property Crime Index** 2,285 2,002 283 805 1,035 302 42 38 63
    Other Property 518 436 82 226 165 88 19 6 14
Drug 592 461 131 310 121 133 12 4 12
Public order 2,036 1,879 157 760 757 417 36 22 44
Technical violation 1,265 1,007 258 417 456 336 14 10 32
Status offense 507 326 181 287 137 52 12 5 14

The COVID-19 pandemic, which began March 2020, had significant effects on all stages of the juvenile justice system, including juvenile residential facilities, and may have impacted multiple aspects of the 2021 CJRP data, such as reporting and the number of youth in residential placement.

* Includes criminal homicide, violent sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault.

** Includes burglary, theft, auto theft, and arson.

Note: U.S. total includes 1,278 youth in private facilities for whom State of offense was not reported and a handful of youth who committed their offense in a U.S. Territory but were being held in a U.S. mainland facility. Visit the EZACJRP methods section for more information about unknown state of offense.

Note: Committed youth include those placed in the facility as part of a court ordered disposition.

Note: The "Hispanic" category includes persons of Latin American or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. These persons are not included in the other race/ethnicity categories. American Indian includes Alaksa Native; Asian includes Pacific Islander.

Suggested citation: Puzzanchera, C., Sladky, T.J., and Kang, W. (2023) "Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement." Online. Available: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezacjrp/

Data source: Author's analysis of OJJDP's Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021 [machine-readable data files].
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