Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement: 1997-2021

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Detailed Offense Profile for United States, 2015

Most serious offense Total
Total 48,043
Delinquency 45,715
Person 18,119
    Criminal homicide 767
    Sexual assault 3,433
    Robbery 4,717
    Aggravated assault 3,910
    Simple assault 3,910
    Other person 1,382
Property 10,412
    Burglary 4,241
    Theft 2,346
    Auto theft 1,793
    Arson 325
    Other property 1,707
Drug 2,607
    Trafficking 421
    Other drug 2,186
Public order 6,020
    Weapons 2,360
    Alcohol 118
    Other public order 3,542
Technical violation 8,557
Violent Crime Index* 12,827
Property Crime Index** 8,705
Status offense 2,328
    Running away 456
    Truancy 642
    Incorrigibility 761
    Curfew violation 84
    Underage drinking 260
    Other status offense 125
* Includes criminal homicide, violent sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault.

** Includes burglary, theft, auto theft, and arson.

Note: U.S. total includes 1,593 youth in private facilities for whom State of offense was not reported and a handful of youth who committed their offense in a U.S. Territory but were being held in a U.S. mainland facility. Visit the EZACJRP methods section for more information about unknown state of offense.

Suggested citation: Puzzanchera, C., Sladky, T.J., and Kang, W. (2023) "Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement." Online. Available: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezacjrp/

Data source: Author's analysis of OJJDP's Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021 [machine-readable data files].
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