Updated on October 22, 2018     Skip to Main Content

EZANIBRS Easy Access to NIBRS Victims, 2016

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Most serious offense against victim by Victim-Offender relationship for all reporting states

Count Family Acquaintance Stranger Other Unknown/Missing Total
Murder/nonnegligent mans. 610 1,572 388 7 2,160 4,737
Kidnapping 3,959 9,876 1,772 76 3,087 18,770
Rape 5,739 18,663 2,364 21 7,163 33,950
Sodomy 2,512 3,885 451 16 1,585 8,449
Sexual assault w/ object 945 1,546 164 1 629 3,285
Fondling 11,892 17,243 2,390 74 6,352 37,951
Robbery 728 13,100 29,458 38 37,901 81,225
Aggravated assault 40,373 100,415 27,968 3,005 55,584 227,345
Simple assault 211,612 398,172 52,272 33,513 88,515 784,084
Intimidation 41,976 131,916 22,191 2,598 45,817 244,498
Total 320,346 696,388 139,418 39,349 248,793 1,444,294

NOTE: NIBRS data capture an unknown portion of the victims of violence known to law enforcement within a State (i.e., some agencies within the State do not report their information to the FBI). As such, the data presented in this application do not represent the complete volume of violence victims known to law enforcement in each State.

Suggested Citation: Puzzanchera, C., Smith, J., and Kang, W. (2018). "Easy Access to NIBRS Victims, 2016: Victims of Violence." Available: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezanibrsdv/

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